Wednesday, November 7, 2007

It's all about Me!

I, like most other photographers it seems, really dislike having my picture taken. So it's pretty convenient that I'm usually the one holding the camera - because I'm behind it and the lens is in front. Well our local group, Professional Photographers of Cape Cod, during one of our recent meetings - took photographs of each other then we watched a slide show of all of the images. This was really kind of terrifying: first - having my picture taken, then having other photographers comment on it. Well it wasn't so bad after all. These images were taken by Carol Lundeen, a fabulous photographer from Roslindale who is a member of our Cape Cod group.

She had some fun ideas...
This next image was taken by Keith Howe of Nebraska outside of a restaurant while we were waiting for our table after the NH Photo Safari. It was dark outside - and the light source was a couple of recessed spotlights outside the restaurant. Keith is a Master Photographer, Master Craftsman, and Master Artist - degrees awarded to him by the Professional Photographers of America. It was an honor to meet him - and be photographed by him. I mean, look what he can do while waiting for a restaurant table!

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